Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Effects Of Single Parent Families

Getting prepared for the Child Custody Evaluation can be nerve racking, because there are effects of single parent families that totally change the child views. But if you take these things into consideration they can guide to you toward a successful Child Custody hearing.

You should be friendly, sincere and candid in your approach toward the opposing attorney. You should never confide with psychologist. If you do, it may be used against you later. Answer the questions in short, brief, direct sentences. Never give more information than you have to.

You should not say anything against the other parent and his or her family. Show that you know your children and you know about their interests, hobbies, teachers, friends, their educational aims, etc. You should let the psychologist know about all the good qualities of your children. If the psychologist wants to know anything negative about the other parent, you should simply narrate an incident with the facts and stop at that, the psychologist needs to draw the conclusion.

You shouldn’t make any accusation regarding any type of abuse like physical, mental or sexual, until there is enough proof for the same. The psychologist can report to CYS for further investigation for child abuse, if you suspect child abuse, then you should report to CYS instead of making allegations, since false allegations can prove damaging to your reputation and this case as well.

You will require to prepare for the interactional sessions, for this you can bring games, food, homework, anything that might seem appropriate, you should not stray away from the target, you should also make a list of doctors, temples or churches, etc. schools, you should also be aware of any special need of your child and inform the doctor about how you are going to go about fulfilling this need.

So that you remain mentally strong, cool and collected you should get a good night’s sleep. You should pay the psychologist’s fees promptly and try to impress him since his report carries a lot of weight with the judge. In case the psychologist wanted additional information, you can send him information along with a short note about it. You should not call the psychologist unless he wishes so.

You should showcase the current needs of your children instead of focusing on the other parent’s failures. Since the contested child custody laws case is never finality, you can modify the case and resulting Child Custody schedule at any time later.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When Is It Time To End A Relationship

When is it time to end a relationship? And I mean really END it. No grudge, no love, just a friendly relationship. You have been getting trough a brake-up a while ago. Once you have finished processing your past relationship it will no longer be a primary force in your life. And the calmness is taking its place in your soul again. But what's next?

Now you are OK, you can smile again. You only think of your past significant other occasionally. They no longer have all your thoughts. And something happened there in your soul and you are starting to enjoy your freedom again.

But all your friends have a steady partner. Few of them are already married, and there you are. You have no steady partner. Time is passing by and you are not enjoying anymore your freedom. You are alone. It is time you get over those broken heart poems and quotes. After a while you realize that you need to move forward with someone new, wholeheartedly!

Getting a partner is becoming your priority. This is good, because one should not continue long without a relationship. Work is not everything in life. But making this a priority has its pitfalls. The anxiety to get a steady partner as soon as possible can land you in difficulties

Don't be in a hurry to decide about who you will be dating regularly. After a brake-up you should know better what you really want from a partner. You have set your own standards and you know that if you go for anybody who does not have those qualities, you will never be happy. Carrying the past failure in mind will result in more waste of time in regrets, but learning form our past will lead us to a better future.

Your next date may turn out to be far better than your ex and may be proper to go forward with, for a life time and signs of an unhealthy relationship will not occur. And sometime maybe you will think " Thank God my ex has dumped me, because if he/she didn't I would have never meet the love of my life."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How To Get A Divorce

What is the right way to get through divorce? How to get a divorce? These are the questions that can free yourself from a marriage that didn’t work out. Getting a divorce can leave you angry, in grief and filled with mixed emotions. In other words, it can be a time of intense stress.

During this period you may feel like your life is falling apart. Those dirty divorce tricks are more hurtful for you than anybody else. However, the end of marriage can be the beginning of personal growth - after you get your stress under control. To help you get your life back on track, experts recommend working on yourself from the inside out.

In addition, here are some stress-relieving tips to help you get through your divorce.

* Write a letter to your ex-spouse. Getting your feelings out of your system is a healthy way to start recovering from anger, resentment and other emotions. But after you're finished writing the letter, don't send it. Rip up the note and throw it away along with your sorrows.

* Seek counseling. Discussing the failed relationship with a professional can help you identify what went wrong and figure out what you need to do to recover and learn from the experience. Also, it can help you share your deepest feelings in a safe, secure environment where you won't be judged. Some counseling can also get you help on how to file for divorce .

* Sweat it out. Exercising regularly does more than keep you fit. It also releases endorphins and is a great outlet for anger.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What Is The Best Way To End A Relationship

Ending a relationship is never easy. Actually, it is one of the hardest things to do since you will have to consider what your partner will feel. Often times, you have sleepless nights thinking things over and over because you do not want to regret your decision in the end. So, the big question is what is the best way to end a relationship?

Letting go of a relationship is as hard on the person who is ending the relationship as it is on the person who is being broken up with. For sure, you do not want to hurt your partner because he or she has been close to you for months or even years and you do not want to be guilty because of your action.

The first thing that you have to keep in mind is that when ending a relationship, you have to do it in person. It is always better that you talk about it in person and you explain to him or to her the reason why it is better to be that way. By doing it personally, you show sincerity and integrity. That way, whatever is the reaction of your partner, you will be able to know immediately and closure will be easier achieved.

However, it is never easy to end a relationship personally. You have to choose the right words so your partner will be able to accept and understand your reason. It is always better to say things in person than to do it on the phone, email, or even through a letter. This has to be done face to face where both of you can have eye contact and see each other’s reactions. Then explain one by one the signs of an unhealthy relationship that occurs on your relationship.

Ending a relationship is really a very difficult thing to do. However, if you know exactly what to do and how to do it gracefully, you will be able to go through with it without feeling guilty.

Just make sure that you say the words sincerely, maintain an eye contact, leave no room for doubt, and most of all do not ever back down especially when your partner started crying and you feel terrible about it.

You have to stick to your decision and make sure that your partner gets the message. If he or she could not accept your decision at once, then you have to give him or her some space but you should never give any false hopes of getting back together and healing a broken heart. This is the best way to minimize pain when ending a relationship.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ways To End Relationships

Relationships are based on trust, love and understanding. But, in many cases, after a long time this disappear and the couple argue more and more. They can't understand anymore and feel that everything that the other is making is wrong. This usually happens because the partners have grown tired of each other, there is nothing interesting in the relationship any more, or just one of them decided that they want to be with somebody else. So, how can someone feeling this way break the news for his or her partner?! What are the ways to end relationships in a nice way?

--- Show no interest in her/him anymore. Pretend that you are very busy, you have a lot of work to do and you don't have time to go see her/him today, maybe tomorrow but no for sure. Show her/him that you have more interesting things to do than meeting her/him.

--- Don't call her/him so often like you did before. You'll see that she/he will call you every day to see what are you doing and why are you upset on her/him, but after a while she will see that you don't care about her/him anymore.

--- Lie to her/him. I know this might sound deceiving, but hey, letting go of a relationship while doing all the right way can’t be done. If you tell her/him lies and she/he catches you she/he will definitely go upset. Especially if you say that you are at work and she/he sees you with your friends.

--- Upset her when you dating her/him. Be late and then upset her/him more. Even if she/he is very happy to see you because she/he didn't saw you for a long time make sure that you make only things that you know she/he don't like while you are at meeting with her/him. How to end a relationship in this way? Take this example, look after other women/men when you are with her/him.

Also, if you want to break up, but you can’t tell it directly and don’t want to do all the nasty things mentioned above, you can try to send her a message. You can write break up letters to boyfriend or girlfriend or leave message on the telephone telling her/him that you consider that is no worth to stay together anymore or that you need a break, you miss your old friends with who you go out before meeting her/him. She/he will get a little upset but finally will understand that you don't want to continue anymore and will not have the opportunity to beg and implore you to stay with her.

In a relationship this can happen anytime if you don't know to take care of it, to make always with your partner more and more interesting things to not interfile routine, because you will feel bored one of each other and there aren't many chances to make this work again. But, if this really happens to break up with your partner you have the opportunity to choose on which way you are going to do it.