Tuesday, October 27, 2009

EX Girlfriend Revenge By Uring Rebound

Here's how you can get ex girlfriend revenge by getting a rebound girlfriend...

Step 1

Play On Your Ex-Girlfriend’s Weaknesses

If you’re having a rebound relationship for the sole purpose of getting revenge on your ex-girlfriend, you have to choose your rebound girlfriend well. In other words, she has to be a woman who – once your ex-girlfriend sees – will help you push all your ex-girlfriend’s buttons.

You know your ex-girlfriend better than I do, so I can’t tell you what kind of rebound fling to choose; I can, however, tell you that it has to be someone who:

- Offers what your ex-girlfriend didn’t. For example, if your ex-girlfriend never wanted to do any of the things YOU wanted to do, your rebound girlfriend needs to want to do ALL of those things. This could be anything from recreational stuff like catching a game or going camping to “recreational stuff” like…well, you know. The key for this to work, however, is to make sure the word gets back to your ex-girlfriend. If you and your new fling are doing things your ex-girlfriend wouldn’t do, chances are your ex-girlfriend won’t be at any of these places to find out for herself. A few skillfully dropped hints by mutual “friends”, however, should take care of that.

- Has what your ex-girlfriend didn’t. This could be anything from the perfect body (or body part) to a fantastic job to a hot car. What ever it is, it has to be something your ex-girlfriend knows she lacks AND something she’s insecure about lacking.

Step 2

Use Your Rebound Girl to Her Full Potential

Having a rebound girlfriend is a great way to get revenge on your ex-girlfriend, but it’s only going to work if your ex-girlfriend KNOWS about your rebound fling. As I mentioned above, getting your mutual “friends” to casually drop this information from time to time is a good way to bring it to her attention, but actually showing up at places your ex-girlfriend frequents is even better.

Just be careful not to show up at places that the two of you used to visit together. If you show up at places that your ex-girlfriend used to have to drag you to or just go to by herself, it’s going to be obvious to your girlfriend that you’re just trying to make her jealous, and with that obviousness comes ineffectiveness. You’ll just look desperate and she’ll either not care at all, or worse – feel sorry for you.

Step 3

Make Sure You Know How to Have a Rebound Relationship

It might seem like all you need in order to have a successful rebound relationship (and by “successful” I mean void of all ‘Fatal Attraction’-type scenarios) is common sense, but, there are actually quite a few rebound relationship tips you need to keep in mind:

- Make sure the two of you know what’s going on. Be upfront about your intentions, set boundaries, and stick to those boundaries. Maybe your intentions are just to have fun. Maybe they’re just to make sure you have a date on Friday nights. Maybe they’re just to “go really slow and see what happens.” Whatever they are, be clear about them, let her be clear about hers, and then make sure you both stick to those intentions.

- Commit to only what you’re comfortable committing to. If there’s sex involved and she wants to keep that aspect of it “monogamous,” commit to that if you’re okay with it. If you’re not, move on. Using a rebound fling to get revenge on your ex-girlfriend is entirely possible without hurting someone in the process.

- Recognize warning signs. Again, rebound relationships can be great – they’re good for your ego, your social life, and all those little extras like getting revenge on your ex-girlfriend. However, if you don’t want your rebound fling to turn into a headache or something more like a serious relationship, you have to learn to recognize the signs that point to it heading that way, and react accordingly. This usually means breaking the relationship off, because at this point, resetting boundaries usually won’t fly with someone who’s started treating you like a serious boyfriend.


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